Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yoga Butt

Hi, guys. After our class tonight on injuries (and my current injury) I was searching around for some info on the internet regarding "Yoga Butt" and I found this short little instruction/demonstration on how to try to protect ourselves from it. The instructor doesn't use the more accurate and technical terms we've been taught at Yoga Works (such as firming the outer hips, lowering the buttocks flesh down to the floor and drawing the front hip bones up, etc), but when she refers to engaging "the naval" or "the belly", hopefully we all know by now that is another way to explain some of the simple, counter and complementary actions we've been learning and practicing for the last couple of weeks.

My advice - heed the warnings because this injury is not so much painful as it is super annoying, although i'm thankful for the lesson it taught (or is in the process of teaching) me. :)

(scroll down the page to the you tube video).

Enjoy your week and see you all on Friday!

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